15 or more years ago in England I ordered a "mock" something dish in a food court that was less than great. That, and a few questionable seitan dishes in Chinatown, pretty much put me off mock meats for the better part of a decade.
About time to turn over a new seitan leaf especially since it looks so easy and delicious in How it All Vegan and Vegan-a-Go-Go.
The dough recipe in Vegan a Go Go is very pretty simple, 1/2 cup vital wheat gluten to 1/2 cup water. I found you need a little more flour than that, but it really comes together easily and like she says, very elastic (think play do). I went for the "beef" (?) option and it simmered away in a tasty broth for about 45 minutes.
So the dough is, you could say, odd looking...

I thought it would all stick together, but it doesn't...

Tonight I used half the seitan in "Belgian Style Seitan Stew with Dark Beer". It's really tasty and served over some basic mashed potatoes, it was pure comfort! It's from Robin Robertson's Vegan Planet. I added some peas and then spinach at the last minute.